Taking the first step in your martial journy, whether
to learn self defense, enhance physical wellness,
reduce stress, self discipline and focus, you have
made the right decision. Hidden Dragon Karate is
commited to help you obtain your goals. The
primary reason to train in Martial Arts is far greater
than earning a Black Belt. Experiencing a journey
that will enrich your life and challenge your mind,
body and spirit, is at the heart of martial pursuits.
By doing so, you will never be the same person
Congratulations on taking this first step in your
Martial Arts journey.
Grand Master Rod Fuller
School Motto
As Martial Artists, we lead by example, treating others
the way we want to be treated. We do the right thing,
whether we want to or not. We use self control, and take
responsibility for our actions. We only use our martial
arts when bodily harm comes our way.